
Inspect and Update Your Rigging System

Custom Oasis Kases
Teachers! How old is that setup you’re using?
Old school = old equipment!
That can be dangerous. Ensure everyones safety by calling us today. We’d be happy to inspect your rigging system and get it up to current safety standards.
Why pay thousands of dollars for something and ship it in a cardboard box? Protect your investment with a custom-built Spec 300 Oasis Kase. From diamonds to baby grands, we can build a road case to fit your needs, wants, and desires.

Stage Installation

Custom Draperies
We offer the best in responsible and safe Theatrical Installations.
We have the education, experience, and responsibility to provide you with your theatrical needs.
International vendors supply our professional equipment, and our factory-trained employees safely create your space. We manage our stage installations in an efficient and timely manner.
Scrim, teasers, and black legs—we speak your language. Let us know what you need, and we’ll create them for you from the finest, most durable, and best flame resistant fabrics in the industry.

D'Anser™ Basket Woven Dance Floors

Lighting and Dimming Control System Installation
A portable, modular dance floor custom made by Oasis Stage Werks. The D'Anser™ floor provides the safest, most resilient dance surface ever created. Constructed in modular 4' x 8' units, a predictably "soft" sub-surface can easily be installed over any reasonably level floor, including concrete. Each 4' x 8' unit, comprised of three levels of "basket weave support" with a top level of tongue and groove finish flooring, is hand-built using the finest grades of Ponderosa and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. The interconnection of units is achieved, without the use of locking hardware, by a support level of one unit fitting into the gap of the next unit. The result is a remarkably even "give" over the entire completed surface, from center to edge.
This is a hip, knee, and ankle saving surface for dancers from Ballet to Irish Dance. All Dancers love it! Whatever your studio size, invest in your people. It’s worth it.
We offer the best in responsible and safe theatrical installations.
We have the education, experience, and responsibility to provide you with your theatrical needs.
International vendors supply our professional equipment, and our factory-trained employees safely create your space. We manage our light system installations in an efficient and timely manner.